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الدرس الثالث:دورة تطوير مهارة القراءة والاستماع والتحدث 2024

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ازيكم يابنات ياارب تكونو بخير
النهارده معادنا مع الدرس الثالث فى دورة تطوير مهارة القراءة والاستماع والتحدث
يلا نبدأ
بـســـــــــم الله

المحادثة رقم11

My Laptop Is So Slow

A: My laptop is so slow
B: Buy a new one.
A: I would if I had the money.
B: Why is it so slow?
A: That’s a good question.
B: Did you take it to a computer shop?
A: I would if I had the money.
B: Well, I guess you have to live with it.
A: Sometimes I want to throw it out the window.
B: You don’t want to do that.
A: Why not?
B: You might hit someone in the head.

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المحادثة رقم 12

How about a Pizza

A: What’s for dinner?
B: I’m not sure.
A: How about a pizza?
B: You had pizza for lunch.
A: But I love pizza.
B: Everybody loves pizza.
A: So why can’t I have pizza for dinner?
B: Because you need variety.
A: What’s “variety”?
B: Different things—not the same thing all the time.
A: You mean, like a pepperoni pizza instead of a cheese pizza?
B: No, I mean a salad instead of a pizza.

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المحادثة رقم13

The New House
A: We need to save money
B: Why do we need to save money?
A: Because we need to buy a house.
B: But a house is so expensive.
A: That’s why we need to save money.
B: How much do we need to save?
A: We need to save enough for a down payment.
B: How much is that?
A: That’s about $30,000.
B: Thirty thousand dollars! That will take forever.
A: Not if we save every penny.
B: Okay. Here’s seven pennies

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المحادثة رقم 14

Fish Are Everywhere

A: The ocean is so big.
B: You can’t see the end of it.
A: It goes on and on forever.
B: And it’s deep, too.
A: I think it’s five miles deep.
B: Are there fish at the bottom?
A: There are fish at the top and the bottom.
B: Are there more fish or more people?
A: I think there are more fish.
B: I hope so. I love to eat fish.

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المحادثة رقم 15

A Bad Boyfriend

A: I’m upset with my mom.
B: Why is that?
A: I warned her about her new boyfriend. She didn’t listen to me.
B: What happened?
A: I gave her $1,000 for her birthday. I told her to spend it on herself.
B: That was very nice of you.

A: I found out that she gave it to her new boyfriend.
B: Why did she do that?
A: He said he would buy her a nice ring.
B: What’s wrong with that?
A: He went to Las Vegas. He lost it all gambling.
B: I hope your mom broke up with him.

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المحادثة رقم 16

Talking Animals

A: Do animals talk to each other?
B: Of course they talk to each other.
A: What do they talk about?
B: They talk about other animals.
A: What else do they talk about?
B: They talk about food and the weather.
A: Do they talk about us?
B: Of course they talk about us.
A: What do they say about us?
B: They say that we are funny-looking.
A: Ha! We’re not funny-looking; animals are funny-looking.
B: We’re funny-looking because we wear clothes.

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    المحادثة رقم 17

    Housecleaning Day

    A: I have to clean the house.
    B: Yes, it’s very dirty.
    A: You can help me.
    B: Why me?
    A: Because you helped make it dirty.
    B: What do you want me to do?
    A: I want you to clean the bathroom.
    B: Oh, that’s easy.
    A: Clean the sink, the tub, the counter, and the toilet.
    B: That’s a lot of work.
    A: Tell me when you finish.
    B: I don’t think so. You’ll just give me more work.

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    المحادثة رقم 18

    A TV Lover

    A: You’re watching too much TV.
    B: What do you mean?
    A: I mean you’re wasting your life.
    B: I’m having fun.
    A: You’re sitting there with your mouth open.
    B: Who cares?
    A: I care. Do something.
    B: Okay. I did something.
    A: What did you do?
    B: I turned up the volume.
    A: That’s not what I meant by “do something.”
    B: Will you do something? Leave me alone.

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    المحادثة رقم 19

    Write to Your Grandma

    A: Did you write a letter to grandma?
    B: Yes, I did.
    A: Did you tell her about school?
    B: I told her that school is fun.
    A: Did you put the letter in an envelope?
    B: Yes, and I sealed the envelope.
    A: Did you put a stamp on the envelope?
    B: I couldn’t find any stamps.
    A: They’re in the kitchen drawer.
    B: Okay. I just put a stamp on the envelope.
    A: Give me the envelope, and I’ll mail it for you.
    B: When is grandma going to learn about e-mail?

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    المحادثة رقم 20

    Are You Sleepy

    A: Why are you yawning?
    B: I’m sleepy.
    A: Why don’t you go to bed?
    B: I want to watch this TV show.
    A: Maybe you should record it.
    B: The tape recorder is broken.
    A: Then you should watch the rerun.
    B: Why? I’m watching the original.
    A: But you’ll be asleep in about one minute.
    B: I’m just yawning because the commercials are on.
    A: Okay. I’ll tell you how the show ends.
    B: Zzz.

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