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Cloak or detailed robes for the body and the referee 2024

Prophets, peace be upon them cloak or detailed robes for the body and the referee to wear them

Has spread in recent detailed cloak on a tight body and is composed of

Combi layers of crepe fabric and has a km wide, cloves and embroidery which is placed on the shoulder

.. What is the ruling on such abaya?


After studying for the Referendum Committee responded that women’s legal cloak a [robes]:

Is what has been achieved in order to street of Kamal jackets and away from temptation, and therefore

There is no need to cloak women that are available where the following descriptions:


First: to be thick does not show what is underneath, and have no adhesion property.

Second: to be coverslip for all body, wide not show Tqatiah.

Third: to be open from the front only, and the sleeves narrow slot.

Fourth: not where it draws the attention Accessories, and it must be free from fees and decoration, writings and signs.

Fifth: not to be similar to the dress of kaafir women or men.

Sixth: to put the gown on the head as important.


And on the above the abaya mentioned in question is not a cloak of legitimacy for women, it is not permissible to wear them

To the lack of necessary conditions


And O Asturna above the earth and under the earth, and you day supply

Pray God to the prophet Mohammed asset upon him


الونشريس الف شكر يا عسل الونشريس


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