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What is the status of women in islam ? 2024

Islam sees a woman, whether single or
married, as an individual in her own
right, with the right to own and
dispose of her property and earnings
without any guardianship over her
(whether that be her father, husband ,
or anyone else) . She has the right to
buy and sell, give gifts and charity ,
and may spend her money as she
pleases. A marriage dowry is given by
the groom to the bride for her own
personal use , and she keeps her own
family name rather than taking her
husband’ s .
Islam encourages the husband to treat
his wife well, as the Prophet
Muhammad said: { The best among you
are those who are best to their
wives. } 1
Mothers in Islam are highly honored .
Islam recommends treating them in the
best way . A man came to the Prophet
Muhammad and said, “O Messenger of
God! Who among the people is the most
worthy of my good companionship ?” The
Prophet said: { Your mother. } The man
said, “ Then who ?” The Prophet said:
{Then your mother. } The man further
asked, “ Then who?” The Prophet said:
{Then your mother. } The man asked
again, “ Then who?” The Prophet said:
{Then your father. } 2

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