No, Know, Now, Knew or New
1) No
No means that you can’t or won’t, or that something is wrong
المعنى بالعربي كلا – لا – أو ممنوع و يلفظ (نو)
Example1: Will you come
Example2: No smoking
2) Know
Know means to recognize, to understand, or to be acquainted with
المعنى بالعربي يعلم أو يعرف و يلفظ (نو)
Example: I know her very well
I don’t know Spanish
3) Now
Now means at this time
المعنى بالعربي الآن و تلفظ (ناو)
Example1: He is here now
Get out now
4) Knew
Knew means recognized, Understood, or was acquainted with
(it is the past of know)
المعنى بالعربي علم أو عرف هو أيضا الفعل الماضي من know و يلفظ (نيو)
Example: She knew the right answers
I knew Mary from a long time
5) New
New means fresh, recent or not late
المعنى بالعربي جديد أو حديث (تلفظ نيو)
Example1: Sunrise marks a new day
I got a new dress
Today I learned new information