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A World Of Dreams 2024

  • بواسطة

ـالونشريس A world Of dreams الونشريسـ

A world Of Dreams

May I be lost in a world of dreams

Where only happiness and love abound
To ever be with the sweet lady I love
She radiates my life when she is around

My dreams start when her image appears
Her beauty shines and lights up my day
A life that is full of these fond memories
Are forever sealed in my heart to stay

These dreams that come so clearly to my mind
Of this sophisticated and lovely lady I see
How she brings so much love and tranquilty
To my inner being, a better man I’ll be

If fate would only let us dream together
In a life where only total love would live
My hopes and dreams would be there forever
With all the passion my heart has to give


    شكرا يا ريمووو

    sweet words
    thanks alot
    كلمات جميلة
    شكرااا لكى

    كلمات رااااااااااااااائعة



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