Curiosity killed the cat
Curiosity killed the cat recalls a story in which "the cat" was killed because he was too curious and followed "curiosity" too far. Example: "That reporter has been asking a lot of questions and the boss doesn’t like it." Reply: "Curiosity killed the cat."
Cats are curious animals that like to investigate, but their curiosity can take them places where they might get hurt. Children especially, like cats, are curious and like to test to find out what is dangerous. Example: "My son stuck his finger into the electrical outlet and got a huge shock! He said he wanted to find out how it would feel." Reply: "It’s a good thing he wasn’t hurt! Curiosity killed the cat."
"curiosity killed the cat"
الترجمه الحرفيه لهذه الجمله هو الفضول قتل القطه
تقال هذه الجمله فى حاله التعبير عن شدى الفضول الذى قد يضرنا بخطورته
"What do you think is down that dark street?" Reply: "I would rather not find out.
ماذا تعتقد ان يكون هناك فى هذا الشارع المظلم؟
الاجابه هنا يمكن ان تكون هذه الجمله
Curiosity killed the cat."
ترجع هذه الحمله الى قصة قط كان فضولى جدا والفضول اخذه الى بعيد جدا
That reporter has been asking a lot of questions and the boss doesn’t like it
لقد سال الصحفى اسئله كثيره جدا ولكنها لم تعجب الرئيس بالمره
ففى هذه الحاله نقول
Curiosity killed the cat."
مناسبه هذه الجمله ان القطط اكثر الحيوانات فضولا وفضولهم هذا يسبب لهم اضرارا مثلهم مثل الاطفال ايضا فضوليين جدا ويحبوا ان يكتشفوا ما حولهم
"My son stuck his finger into the electrical outlet and got a huge shock! He said he wanted to find out how it would feel."
لقد ادخل ابنى اصبعه فى الكهرباء وقال انه يريد ان يعرف شعور الكهرباء
الاجابه تكون
"It’s a good thing he wasn’t hurt! Curiosity killed the cat."
جيد انه لم يتاذى
Curiosity killed the cat
Something that happens out of the blue is sudden and unexpected. Example: "They seemed to be talking calmly when out of the blue she slapped him in the face!"
It is as if suddenly it started raining on a day when the sky was clear and blue. Example: "Why did she do that?" Reply: "I have no idea. It was completely out of the blue."
You are surprised and unprepared when it happens out of the blue. Example: "Did you know they would move you to a different project?" Reply: "Not at all. It was completely out of the blue."
هى جمله معناها(فجاه او على غفله)
وتقال للتعبير عن ان هذا الحدث وقع فجاه وعلى غفله
They seemed to be talking calmly when out of the blue she slapped him in the face!"
من الواضح انهم كانوا يتحدثون بهدوء عندما صفعته على وجهه فجأه
فعندما مثلا تكون الشمس مشرقه والسماء صافيه والسماء امطرت فجأه
"Why did she do that
لماذا هى فعلت هذا؟
يكون الجواب
I have no idea. It was completely out of the blue."
ليس عندى فكره انه مفاجىء تماما
تدل ايضا على المفاجأه وعدم توقع الجدث
Did you know they would move you to a different project?"
هل تعرف لماذا انتقلوا لمشروع اخر؟
الاجابه تكون
Not at all. It was completely out of the blue
لا لا اعرف ابدا فانه امر مفاجىء او—out of the blue."
Birds of a feather flock together means that people who are similar to each other often spend time together. Example: "Those guys work at the same company and go to the same bars. They do everything together." Reply: "Birds of a feather flock together."
We know that birds are of the same type when they have the same feathers; they are of a feather. Birds flock when they join together in groups with other birds. Just as birds "of a feather" often flock with other birds of the same "feather", so do people who are like each other spend time together. Example: "Are Timmy and his friends going to that same bar again?" Reply: "Sure they are. Birds of a feather flock together."
People ("birds") who are similar to each other ("of a feather") often spend time ("flock") with each other ("together"). Example: "Look. The volleyball players are eating together at the same table again, as always." Reply: "Birds of a feather
flock together.
هذه الجمله تعنى ان الناس الذين يشبهون بعضهم دائما يقضون وقتهم مع بعضهم
او بالمعنى العربى تبعنا(الطيور على اشكالها تقع)
Those guys work at the same company and go to the same bars. They do everything together."
هؤلاء الشباب يعملون فى شركه واحده ويقضون ارقاتهم فى اماكن واحده ويفعلون كل شيء مع بعضهم
الجواب هنا يكون بجملة
Birds of a feather flock together."
نحن نعلم ان الطيور التى لها اشكال ريش متشابهه يكونوا من نوع واحد
نشبههم هنا بالاشخاص الذين لهم سمات واحده فيكونوا متشابهين
على سبيل المثال هذه الجمله
"Are Timmy and his friends going to that same bar again?"
هل تينى واصدقاؤه يذهبون الى نفس المكان مره اخرى؟
الجواب هنا يكون بنفس الجمله
Birds of a feather flock together."
والمعنى هنا انهم يشبهون بعضهم وتصرفاتهم متشابهه
هذه الجمله معناها ان يخرج من مشكله ليدخل مشكله اخرى
I worked too hard on that last project. But on this new project I am working even harder!"
لقذ بذلت مجهود كبير فى المشروع السابق ولكن فى هذا المشروع ابذل مجهود اكبر
ويكون الرد هنا بهذه الجمله ليكون المعنى تخرج من عمل شاق لتدخل فى اخر
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
They think they work hard now. Wait and see how much harder they have to work after they graduate."
انهم يظنون انهم يعملون بجد الان ولكن انتظرلترى كم سيعملون بعد التخرج
فيكون الرد هنا بهذه الجمله
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
"sink or swim"
هذه الجمله تعنى اما ان تغرق او ان تعوم
وتقال هذه الجمله اذا كنت فى موقف انت يجب عليك ان تختار فيه ان تنجح او تفشل
Sales is not an easy job here. We give you two weeks training, then it’s sink or swim."
ان وظيفة المبيعات ليست سهله فامامك مهله اسبوعين حتى تدرب وبعد ذلك اما ان تنجح او تفشل
فمعنى هذه الجمله فى انك اذا كنت فى الماء فاما ان تعوم وتنجو او ان تغرق فى القاع
فانك ستنجو اذا وجدت الطريق الصحيح لتنجح
How do you interview new teachers here?"
كيف تختبرون المدرسون الجديد؟
الجواب يكون
"We just put them in with the kids, and see how they do. It’s sink or swim." Sink or swim
فنحن نجعلم مع الاطفال والصغار لنرو ماذا سيفعلون واما ان ينجحوا او يفشلوا
ولذلك تستخدم هذه الجمله لتدل على ان الموقف يحتم عليك ان تنجح او تفشل فنقول
It’s sink or swim
في امان الله