Remembrance wake up and do him hاذكار تخص المسلم 2024

Remembrance wake up and do him


(1) {Praise be to God, who sometimes after what أماتنا and resurrection mechanism}

(2) {no god but Allah alone with no partner. King and his life and over all things. Hallelujah, Praise be to God, and God is great and God but God and no power but from God} (if called several accepted will hear him and if he prays his prayers accepted)


(3) {if Allah then Todo then prayed dissolved hold three devil. Became active only good self and become malignant self Lazy}


Food & Drink Remembrance and prayer guest host

(1) When food began (Name of God) …. And when Oblivion (the name of God the beginning and end) (not shared by the devil)

(2) After the completion of the food {thankfully Thank so much good and blessed is McVeigh nor the applicant and to damn Amsngny}


(3) {guest prayer: God bless us with Rozkthm. Forgive them and أرحمهم,}
(4) {O fed me and fed Esq of سقانى}

Remembrance sleep and dreams and waking


(1) any chair + Last Sura (Apostle security ….) (expel Satan and the reservation of all Khader)

(2) (Say God is one …) (Say I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak …) (Say I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind …) with the body scan (pious of the jinn and demons, envy and evil)


(3) {O name Motte and revived} {O قنى the Amapk on sending slaves} (unsaid once)

(4) {O Allah converted to Islam and my face you drew my face you and Imre delegated to you. GATT and my back to you desire and awe you. No shelter, no mango you but you. بكتابك who secured unloaded and بنبيك who sent} (if Matt died on instinct)
(Literature sleep to sleep on the light and on the right side and make your right hand under the flute)


جزاكي الله خيرا





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