The Message of Islam 2024


The Message of Islam
is ALLAH Subhana Wa Ta’ala
Instructions to mankind,
so that we may be successful in this part
of our journey. A Muslim is
commanded to do certain
things, behave in certain ways,
and learn and grow within the community.
A Muslim must work and sweat for his
or her wages and give generously
to those who have little.
Equality in economics, justice,
politics, and family is essential.
Neighborly kindness and
support are incumbent.
Parents, children, brothers,
sisters, husbands, and wives
have obligations and rights
which form a balance in society.
Acquiring knowledge and discipline,
and learning how to deal
fairly with those around you
are challenges
directly from ALLAH


    بارك الله فيك وجزاك خيرا

    بارك الله فيكي

    وجزاك الله خيرا

    جزاكي الله خيرا

    ربنا يجعله في ميزان حسناتك

    بارك الله فيكى

    How to pray in Islam 2024

    How to pray in Islam


    Prayer is the second pillar of Islam. It is obligatory on every Muslim, male or female. It is a tie between the slave and his Lord. It trains us to be disciplined and to be on time when we have something to do. In addition, it pleases Allaah because He enjoined us to perform it.
    Allaah said:…
    When you have finished prayer (the prayer – congregational), remember Allaah standing, sitting down, and lying down on your sides, but when you are free from danger, perform the prayer. Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours.” [Quran 4:103] l
    Allaah enjoined us to perform Prayer and the Prophet,(Peace be upon him), taught us how to perform it.

    The Prophet (Peace be upon him)said:….
    Pray as you have seen me praying” (Al-Bukhaari)l

    This video will teach you how to perform prayer(salaat) in Islam:…

      Thank u

      Thank you for this wonderful work
      God bless and Vicky
      And reward
      شكرا لك على هذا العمل الرائع
      وباركـ الله فيكي
      وجزاكـ خيراً

      بارك الله فيكي وجزاكي الله خيرا


      موضوع جميل

      What is the status of women in islam ? 2024

      Islam sees a woman, whether single or
      married, as an individual in her own
      right, with the right to own and
      dispose of her property and earnings
      without any guardianship over her
      (whether that be her father, husband ,
      or anyone else) . She has the right to
      buy and sell, give gifts and charity ,
      and may spend her money as she
      pleases. A marriage dowry is given by
      the groom to the bride for her own
      personal use , and she keeps her own
      family name rather than taking her
      husband’ s .
      Islam encourages the husband to treat
      his wife well, as the Prophet
      Muhammad said: { The best among you
      are those who are best to their
      wives. } 1
      Mothers in Islam are highly honored .
      Islam recommends treating them in the
      best way . A man came to the Prophet
      Muhammad and said, “O Messenger of
      God! Who among the people is the most
      worthy of my good companionship ?” The
      Prophet said: { Your mother. } The man
      said, “ Then who ?” The Prophet said:
      {Then your mother. } The man further
      asked, “ Then who?” The Prophet said:
      {Then your mother. } The man asked
      again, “ Then who?” The Prophet said:
      {Then your father. } 2

        جزيتى خيرا


        جزاك الله خيرا


        بارك الله فيكى

        What are the five Pillars of Islam? 2024

        These are five duties that every Muslim is obliged to perform. The five pillars of Islam help Muslims put their faith into action.

        Find out more

          God bless Vicky

          هي، خمسة، الإسلام؟، أعمدة، و، ما

          ما هي أركان الإسلام الخمسة؟

          هذه هي خمسة الواجبات التي يلتزم كل مسلم القيام بها. وضع الركائز الخمس للمسلمين دينهم الإسلام تعليمات إلى أفعال.
          شحادة: إعلان الإيمان
          "أشهد أن لا إله، ولكن الله، وأنا أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله". من قراءة هذا، يدخل المرء العقيدة الإسلامية.
          صلاح: الصلاة
          هناك حاجة المسلمين للصلاة خمس مرات في اليوم، وغسل أنفسهم قبل الصلاة والتي تواجه في اتجاه مكة اثناء الصلاة.
          الزكاة: إعطاء نسبة ثابتة للجمعيات الخيرية
          هناك حاجة المسلمين إلى التخلي عن نسبة من أرباحها لأولئك الأقل حظا، بغض النظر عن دينهم.
          التطوع: الصيام خلال شهر رمضان
          يصوم المسلمون لمدة الشهر القمري كل عام، ودعا فترة شهر رمضان. خلال هذا الوقت، المسلمين تعكس على سلوكهم والسعي لتنقية أفكارهم.
          الحج: الحج إلى مكة المكرمة
          إذا كان من الممكن من الناحية المالية، يطلب من المسلمين للسفر إلى مكة مرة واحدة في حياتهم.

          May God reward and benefit Labaki

          جزاكي الله خيرا

          god bless you

          جزاكي الله خيراا

          Stronger response from the veil in Islam : اقوى رد عن الحجاب فى الاسلام 2024

          Stronger response from the veil in Islam : اقوى رد عن الحجاب فى الاسلام للشيخ احمد ديدات


            الحمدلله علي نعمة الاسلام

            جزاكي الله خيرا

            ربنا يجعله في ميزان حسناتك


            جزاكي الله خيرا

