ان الله امرنا بالحجاب That allah hurry veil 2024


What is the ruling of the veil in Islam, and the evidence on that function?


Praise be to God, prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family either:

Valenkab which covers the entire face – what only the eyes – is commanded by women, he said peace be upon him: Do not تنتقب women Forbidden not wear gloves. "[Bukhari], indicates that that is forbidden تنتقب and wear gloves, because the woman’s face brings merit, the steepest places women affliction, and the whole jurists on the necessity of covering the time of sedition. has the command of Allah Almighty Webster’s face, he says: (and beaten بخمرهن on bosoms). [Nur: 31], فأمرها can loosen Muffler from head to pocket: the is a slot-Sadr, and if drooping of the head to cover the face and the pocket. when asked Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him says: (يدنين them from جلابيبهن). [parties: 59, covered his face and showed one eye, this indicates that what is meant verse to cover the face .
allah higher

    بارك الله فيكم
    بارك الله فيكي


    جزاكي الله خيرا

    الحمدلله على نعمه الحجاب

    Stronger response from the veil in Islam : اقوى رد عن الحجاب فى الاسلام 2024

    Stronger response from the veil in Islam : اقوى رد عن الحجاب فى الاسلام للشيخ احمد ديدات


      الحمدلله علي نعمة الاسلام

      جزاكي الله خيرا

      ربنا يجعله في ميزان حسناتك


      جزاكي الله خيرا

