الجذء الثانى من احكام التجويد Aljze second from the provisions of intonation 2024

Tanween: Language: Is the vote, a beautiful sound that sends at the same listener delight, so said N. reader or Flying Nun.
Idiomatically: is a non-static catch last names rude and not wrong, Tfariqha and occiput. It Alfathtan or Aldmtan or Alexrtan which Nntgahma Nona static in the last name when connected including beyond, Mthelalima wise), and when the moratorium on name Nntgahma Scona if Tanween Dmtin or Xrtin such as: (Aziz – wise) or Nntgahma ups thousand if Tanween slots (such as Knowledge).


السكت: reading is cut with a stop breathing by two movements, then resume movement is the amount of extension or finger catch, this ruling comes in four places in the Quran, and his mark character (s) that are placed above the floor.

Instability: the vibration director consonant, both Scona naturally or because of the moratorium until you hear a tone of strong, be strong if they come in the last word was endowment it is called (worried major), and be less powerful if they come in the middle of the floor and called (worried junior).


Noon static: It is not a movement (not a slot or Vibrio or crumb), such as: (A – of – you).

Endowment and complete cessation of: (endowment is cut pronunciation reading, either temporarily or permanently to finish them, and be cut by the same breathe normally do.) (Complete cessation: Is the moratorium on the word that is the meaning of what happened before or concerning Then, rude and meaningless and often What will be in the following positions: (1) the end of the verses. (2) the end of the stories. (3) the end of the fence.


LV Hassan: is to stand on the word was out and meaning but then relate to the rude and meaning.
His reign (may stay then, but not including initiation may then only if what follows is the beginning of a new verse, for example: (Praise be to Allah).

LV ugly: is to stand on the word listener does not understand it or understand the meaning is the meaning
The meaning of the verses, for example: (God is not ashamed to beat, for example …).

LV enough: is to stand on the word’s not about what then do not relate to accepted
Rude (expression), but the meaning of what follows sense of what came before.


Manage Qur’an: Those are the end of the recitation should be for the reader to request clarification from all any what suits it .. It Koran includes mention of the attributes of God Almighty and his actions and stated the conditions of his prophets and conditions of the rejecters them .. He said his orders and Zoajerh said Heaven and Hell was narrated from Abu Dhar may God bless him He said: The Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and us for the night so he repeated a verse "The punish them, they are slaves though you forgive them, you Aziz al-Hakim." Some of the righteous say "Ayatollah not Otfhmha nor where my heart is not prepared to reward."


Lamination thousand: thinning if it is not accepted by one aggrandizement characters.

Alra thinning: Thinning: in the case of Al Wasl if they are broken or static after the break.
Osteoporosis: In the case of suspension if calm after breaking up or accepted by J. calm.

Laminating lam: Osteoporosis: the word God if preceded by a broken character. Osteoporosis: Always in the non-word Majesty.

Magnification thousandth: Tfajm If accepted character مفخم.

Magnification Alra: Tfajm: If Then came a character magnification is connected to.
Tfajm: In the case of Al Wasl, in the case of endowment asset aggrandizement.

Magnification lam: Tfajm: in utter Majesty if preceded by annexation or open.

ABC slurring: six ABC, an ABC word (Armlon). Slurring types (1) إدغام the Bgenh. (2) إدغام the without غنة.

ABC Username: There are six character set early in the words of the following sentence: If you missed meant darling Hemeny the experience "
In the House of Poetry follows:
Prod Vhae the then H. Manmltan the eye and then again X..


ABC Alaqlab: Alaba only.

Letters aggrandizement and attenuation: letters divided by aggrandizement and laminating into three sections:
(A) – capital letters always Tfajm.
(B) – thinning letters always.
(C) – letters Tfajm and thinning as the case may be.


ABC instability: five characters set in my (pole grandfather).

Natural letters tide: Characters tide natural three:
(1) Open static millennium earlier.
(2) static waw integrated is the earlier.
(3) Z static Broken what came before.
It meets three characters in word (Nouhaha).


    جزاكى الله خيرا


    thank you


    جزاكي الله خيرا

    Learn correct his Sunan ablution and its provisions,تعلم الوضوء الصحيح سننه و اح 2024

    Learn correct his Sunan ablution and its provisions,تعلم الوضوء الصحيح
    سننه و احكامه.
    Learn correct his Sunan ablution and its provisions,تعلم الوضوء الصحيح سننه و احكامه.
    Learn correct his Sunan ablution and its provisions,تعلم الوضوء الصحيح سننه و احكامه.
    In the name of God the merciful, praise be to God and prayer and peace be upon his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), but after God said (ppbu corruption will suck if you have to alsalwa your faces and your hands, clean facilities and to wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles) surah Allah said in the Qur’an ‘ and had provisions been interpreted our Prophet (PBUH), come see it first : Should be called when starting ablution which says in the name of God then wash hands three times and is one of the sunnahs of wudu.
    Second: the rinsing water in the mouth move and year three and be one.
    III: the inhalation of any water in the nose and lured the then alastenthar any out in the nose of the water and harm to self and the age of the Prophet (PBUH) and enacted three and be one IV: comes a time no intention going to your heart when doing wudoo ‘ when washing your face any when you hit the water for the first part of your face was telling, for example, ablution and intended this intention of ablution and obey enough faith that made a little face wash when Imam Malik may Allah be pleased with him.
    VA: face wash is a wash all your face length of roots of hair to the Chin and across from ear to ear and do not rinse it is obligatory and may be one of the year three times.
    VI: wash your hands with elbows and called the elbow is obligatory and it is recommended to start with right and left terminals one and three times a year.
    VII: clear head is surveying and must have a header of any descent into the alveoli.
    VIII: clear ears followed by the ears and ear wipes the forefinger and the middle.
    IX: Finally the washing of the feet with the ankles and is obligatory once and may enact three and it is recommended to start with.

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة و السلام علي اشرف المرسلين محمد (ص), أما بعد فقد قال الله تعالي ( يأيها الذين ءامنوا إذا قمتم إالي الصلوة فاغسلوا وجوهكم و أيديكم إلي المرافق و امسحوا برءوسكم و أرجلكم إلي الكعبين ) سورة المائدة
    ذكر الله في كتابه الكريم احكام الوضوء و قد فسرها لنا النبي (ص) فتعالوا نتعرف عليها
    أولا : يجب ان تسمي عندما تبدأ الوضوء اي تقول بسم الله ثم تغسل الكفين ثلاث مرات و هو من سنن الوضوء .
    ثانيا: المضمضة اي تحرك الماء في الفم و السنه ثلاث و الواجب واحدة .
    ثالثا: الاستنشاق اي جعل الماء في الأنف و جذبه بالنفس ثم الاستنثار اي ان تخرج ما في الأنف من ماء و أذي بالنفس و هذة سنه عن الرسول (ص) و يسن ثلاث و الواجب واحدة
    رابعا: يأتي وقت النيه اي تنوي بقلبك الوضوء عند غسل وجهك اي عند إصابة الماء لاول جزء من وجهك كأن تقول مثلا نويت الوضوء و هذة النية من فرائض الوضوء.و تكفي النيه إن قدمت علي غسل الوجه بقليل عند الإمام مالك رضي الله عنه .
    خامسا: غسل الوجه كله أي ان تغسل جميع وجهك طولا من منابت شعر الرأس الي الذقن و عرضا من الأذن للأذن و لا يجب غسلهما و هو فريضه يجوز واحدة و السنه ثلاث مرات .
    سادسا: غسل اليدين مع المرفقين و يسمي الكوع وهو فريضة و يستحب ان تبدأ باليمني ثم اليسري الفرض واحده و السنه ثلاث مرات.
    سابعا: مسح الرأس فهو يمسح و يجب ان يكون من حد الرأس اي من المنبت الي النقره .
    ثامنا: مسح الأذنين يأتي بعدها الأذنين و تمسح الأذن بالسبابه و الوسطي .
    تاسعا: وأخيرا غسل القدمين مع الكعبين و هو فريضة يجوز مره واحدة و تسن ثلاثة و يستحب أن تبدأ باليمني .


    جزاكي الله الجنة

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