براجراف عنالديموقراطية فى مصر Democracy in Egypt 2024

Since the dawn of history, man has lots of dreams. One of them is to live in a democratic society. That’s why people all over the world call for freedom nowadays. Democracy means that people are given all their rights. It helps people to have the sense of belonging and to be loyal to their own country. People can also feel that they are decision makers of the country. Concerning our country, Egypt has taken great steps towards democracy. Nowadays, everyone has the right to express his opinion freely. Also the government encourages people especially the youth to take part in the political life. The Egyptians have called lately for changes in the constitution These changes will enable everyone in our country to apply for the presidential elections. Finally, one can say that all the citizens have the right to live in a democratic society. However, people should never abuse democracy.



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    براجراف عن foot and mouth disease الحمى القلاعية 2024

    FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE الحمى القلاعي

    Egypt has seen significant change and upheaval in the past year is now experiencing a severe outbreak of foot and mouth disease. This outbreak is the result of a new strain of the virus, SAT2, a strain never before seen in Egypt. Foot and Mouth disease is a highly infectious viral disease that targets animals with cloven hooves and can spread through air, close animal-to-animal contact, bodily fluids and even contaminated objects such as farmer’s clothes. Despite the wider range of mortality rates, it seems that young animals are more susceptible than older ones. Although humans are safe from contracting the disease, they still feel the repercussions as animal health affects productivity, specifically agricultural, and local economy. Vaccination against Foot and Mouth disease can be quite complicated as the immunity achieved is temporary and there’s a plethora of strains requiring different vaccines. This is the problem with the current outbreak – it is caused by a new strain and animals have no immunity.



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      شرح قصة وا اسلاماه للصف الثانى الثانوى 2024 | مذكرة شرح قصة واسلاماه ل 2024

      شرح قصة وا اسلاماه للصف الثانى الثانوى 2024

      مذكرة شرح قصة واسلاماه للمرحلة الاولي من الثانوية العامة 2024

      شرح قصة وا اسلاماه للصف الثانى الثانوى 2024 | مذكرة شرح قصة واسلاماه للمرحلة الاولي من الثانوية العامة 2024 2024

      لتحميل الشرح من الرابط التالي




        Red Blood Cells شرح للثانوية الإنجليزية 2024

        Red blood cells perform the most important blood duty. A single drop of blood contains millions of red blood cells which are constantly traveling through your body delivering oxygen and removing waste. If they weren’t, your body would slowly die.
        Red blood cells are red only because they contain a protein chemical called hemoglobin which is bright red in color. Hemoglobin contains the element Iron, making it an excellent vehicle for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide. As blood passes through the lungs, oxygen molecules attach to the hemoglobin. As the blood passes through the body’s tissue, the hemoglobin releases the oxygen to the cells. The empty hemoglobin molecules then bond with the tissue’s carbon dioxide or other waste gases, transporting it away.
        Over time, the red blood cells get worn out and eventually die. The average life cycle of a red blood cell is 120 days. Your bones are continually producing new blood cells, replenishing your supply. The blood itself, however, is re-circulated throughout your body, not being remade all of the time.
        Since the human body is continually making more blood, it is safe for healthy adults to donate blood. The blood is then stored for use in emergency situations. Initially after giving blood, the donor may feel some momentary lightheadedness due to the loss of oxygen-rich red blood cells and blood sugar. The body quickly stabilizes itself.

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